Social Isolation Is More Than Feeling Lonely
How connected are you?
Social isolation has reached epidemic proportions and has a negative impact on our emotional and physical health.
Are you or a loved one at risk for social isolation? Take this assessment to find out if you are at risk.

8 Ways to Build Social Connections
Build your confidence and strengthen your social skills with these 8 tips.
Need Help? Find Support Services in Your Area.
Search our Local Assistance Directory for free or reduced cost services that may combat or prevent social isolation. You’ll also find services like medical care, food, job training and more.
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Recent Research
Mapping Social Isolation in Older Adults
This mapping tool allows you to visualize measures of social isolation and loneliness in older adults in the United States. The tool integrates individual measures of social isolation at the state and county level including demographics, health and health behaviors, health care utilization, health system capacity and COVID-19 data.
- Report
The Pandemic Effect: A Social Isolation Report
This report explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adults of all ages, to understand levels of social isolation during the pandemic, and to assess knowledge of how social isolation can impact a person’s health.
Funded by AARP Foundation with the support of a grant from United Health Foundation.
Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults Opportunities for the Health Care System
Even the most socially isolated individuals — those who have no or very few community connections — interact with the health care system.
This report details the meaningful role the health sector can play to help people overcome isolation along with recommendations to enhance that role.
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We all have a role to play in addressing this complex public health issue